Tadi pagi kira-kira pukul 10.15, kelas 5 berangkat dari sekolah menuju ke bengkel kayu untuk belajar bagaimana caranya untuk memotong kayu dengan baik, mengukur tebal dan panjangnya kayu, mengamplas kayu, dan banyak lagi.
Pertama kali kayunya kasar dan bentuknya miring-miring. Lalu kita menyerutnya dengan mesin serut untuk membuang kulit kayu yang kasar. Setelah di serut kayu menjadi warna ungu dan tidak terlalu kasar. Kayu menjadi warna ungu karena itu adalah hatinya kayu, setiap kayu pasti mempunyai hati." Hatinya kayu adalah tipe kayu yang bagus!" kata tukang kayu yang bekerja di bengkel kayu itu. Setelah itu kami mengamplas kayunya lagi agar bisa menjadi lebih lembut. Habis itu kami mengukur kayu yang akan kami potong dengan meteran, lalu kami menandainya dengan kulusut, dan kami potong dengan gergaji manual.
Sesudah itu kami memotong kayu dengan model yang diinginkan. Lalu diwarnai. Jadi deh!
Minggu, 27 Januari 2008
Karyawisata Menuju Bengkel Kayu
Posted by Michelle Pranoto at 07.13 0 comments
Jumat, 25 Januari 2008
Billy Cart Day
Today January 17, 2008 the grade 5 started to make the Billy Cart. Some of our parents and some carpenters came to our school to help us make our Billy Cart. We were very excited and a bit dissapointed because we can't cut the wood into the shape that we wanted. Actually we wanted to do everything to make our Billy Cart.
Today Andrew's and Ristia's Billy Cart has been made. First the two wheel in the back were 360 degree and the two wheels in the front were straight, but it doesn't work well. So, we change the 360 into the front and the straight one into the back. It doesn't work well too. Then we change all of the wheels into the straight one and it work really well. One of the parent try to ride on it.
Today I learned how to screw the wheel to the wood. We used the big screw and some nuts to put the wheel in the wood. I learned that if we joined some piece of wood together is not really good because when you ride on it, it could break into pieces.
Posted by Michelle Pranoto at 19.47 0 comments